I'm sorry I haven't been posting or been around that much.
Things have happened, college got hectic and life slipped away from me.
Let me tell you a little bit about whats been going on.
I failed Algebra. Again. For the second time.
I'll have to retake the class. (Yes that means its required)
BUT! Financial Aid is no longer an option.
No I do not need to tell you the reason that's my business.
I would like to take out loans but I don't have a job and I do not want to disappoint anyone when I cannot afford to pay them back when the time
finally calls for it.
Fat Louie went on vacation. He's back now. (Yay!)
He got a tan. (Pictures will be up soon.)
Supernatural is incredible.
If you watch it (which I highly recommend that you should)
You should know by now that its totally and completely--amazing.
Bubba J is alive and well. Hes sleeping right now.
Lazy bum.
I passed my drawing class.
I don't know about Freshman Composition tho. Still waiting.
For both of them to give me word on my grades.
I realized that I never finish what I start.
Like, my senior scrap book. I entered two pages and stopped.
My room, had a few things to pick up left em alone and now its
back to its disaster stage again. Who'da thunk right?
Nature Photography went great.
Loved it. Loved everything about it.
Yes I will post pictures soon.
I've got to put my signature in them so nobody takes em first!
Anywho, I haven't been to bed yet so!
I will end my rant here and continue some other time.
Heres some links to find me at:
(Yes I have facebook, just type in Crazed_Angel15@hotmail.com) http://twitter.com/Crystalyn_Rose
Have fun.
Rawk on.

Things have happened, college got hectic and life slipped away from me.
Let me tell you a little bit about whats been going on.
I failed Algebra. Again. For the second time.
I'll have to retake the class. (Yes that means its required)
BUT! Financial Aid is no longer an option.
No I do not need to tell you the reason that's my business.
I would like to take out loans but I don't have a job and I do not want to disappoint anyone when I cannot afford to pay them back when the time
finally calls for it.
Fat Louie went on vacation. He's back now. (Yay!)
He got a tan. (Pictures will be up soon.)
Supernatural is incredible.
If you watch it (which I highly recommend that you should)
You should know by now that its totally and completely--amazing.
Bubba J is alive and well. Hes sleeping right now.
Lazy bum.
I passed my drawing class.
I don't know about Freshman Composition tho. Still waiting.
For both of them to give me word on my grades.
I realized that I never finish what I start.
Like, my senior scrap book. I entered two pages and stopped.
My room, had a few things to pick up left em alone and now its
back to its disaster stage again. Who'da thunk right?
Nature Photography went great.
Loved it. Loved everything about it.
Yes I will post pictures soon.
I've got to put my signature in them so nobody takes em first!
Anywho, I haven't been to bed yet so!
I will end my rant here and continue some other time.
Heres some links to find me at:
(Yes I have facebook, just type in Crazed_Angel15@hotmail.com) http://twitter.com/Crystalyn_Rose
Have fun.
Rawk on.

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